“The Conversation” Blog

Sureshot’s 6-Step Guide to Performing a Marketing Data Quality Audit

The benefits of conducting a marketing data quality audit are manifold, from optimizing your marketing strategies and identifying gaps in your data processes (tools, integrations, shareability, etc.), to ensuring the accuracy and reliability of your data, which has a high impact on campaign performance, sales won, etc.

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The 6 Hidden Costs of Poor Data Quality Plaguing B2B Businesses

Despite the “instant gratification” that technology has trained us to expect in all aspects of our work lives, being competitive requires thought, strategy, creativity and a rather sizable and significant investment of time, energy and budget. In fact, Insider Intelligence predicted that U.S. B2B ad spend would reach $35 billion in 2023.

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7 Key Components of High-Quality Data

The quality of your data impacts absolutely everything—from the effectiveness of the decisions your leadership team makes and the performance of your marketing campaigns, to the experience your customers have and the number of qualified leads generated, to the size and speed of deals closed, and profits won or lost.

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