“The Conversation” Blog

Top 5 Data Do’s for a Happier Holiday Season

The holiday season is fast approaching, which means marketers at companies of all shapes and sizes are in the throes of planning an array of events and promotions designed to ensure 2022 sales goals are met or, fingers crossed, exceeded. To ensure your marketing data strategy brings you all the revenue your heart longs to…

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5 Steps to a Winning Data Strategy

Holy smokes! What is that horrific smell coming from your marketing ops department? Could it be your data? Why yes, it most certainly could be. Data of questionable quality (a.k.a. dirty data) is like that person at every networking event you go to who has the kind of halitosis that makes your eye twitch and…

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The High Cost of Poor Marketing Data Orchestration

A lot of marketers recognize that poor data quality is an iceberg capable of sinking any campaign, sales goal or product launch. However, poor data quality is actually a surface issue—albeit an expensive one—of something bigger and more sinister lurking below. If you want to leverage data to keep customers happy and close more deals,…

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The 3 P’s of Building a Better Martech Stack

In the last year, 83 percent of marketers replaced or upgraded a part of their marketing technology (martech) stack. What’s more, the projected spend on data and analytics tools by marketers is expected to reach $6.3 billion this year—and that is just for those two types of martech tools. Suffice it to say, you have…

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4 Steps to Implementing Marketing Automation Within Your Tech Stack

Did you know that the average company uses around 22 different tools in their martech stack? What’s more, most employ an integrated multi-system architecture in which various systems are connected to either a marketing automation platform, a CRM, or a customer database. With so many tools and systems in operation, it’s no wonder that 48…

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3 Ways to Enhance Your Experience With Adobe Experience Manager

An overwhelming majority of B2B Chief Marketing Officers (86%) maintain that their customers’ experiences are their highest priority. It’s no wonder then that Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) has become one of the most popular content management systems (CMS) on the market. If you are like most marketing leaders, you purchased AEM so you could better…

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4 Steps to Leveraging Integrations for Better Multi-Channel Marketing Campaigns

Did you know that nearly all of your customers (90%) expect consistent interactions with your brand across multiple channels? Moreover, the average customer maintains more than five social media accounts and switches between them with increasing frequency. It’s no wonder that more than half of all companies (51%) are using eight or more channels to…

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