Data Management
Marketing Data Answers On-Demand: A Webinar Synopsis
Want to watch our latest webinar? Click Marketing Data Answers on Demand to watch now, or read our brief recap below.
Read it8 Data-Driven Obstacles B2Bs Should Sidestep – Part Two
In Part One of our blog: 8 Data-Driven Obstacles B2B’s Should Sidestep, we took an in-depth look at
three obstacles that data-driven marketers need to avoid in 2020. More importantly, we shared four easy to implement ways to overcome these obstacles. In Part Two, we continue our journey with the final five obstacles you should sidestep on the road to bigger and better data-driven strategies and marketing campaign successes.
3 Step Data-Prep for Marketing Campaign Success
Creating marketing campaigns that not only target the right customers and prospects, but generate an increasing number of sales requires marketing data that is thoroughly prepped and ready to roll at a moment’s notice. In the immortal words of Whitney M. Young, Jr., “It is better to be prepared for an opportunity and not have one, than to have an opportunity and not be prepared.” In today’s blog, we’ll equip you with three simple steps you can take to get (and keep) your data prepped and campaign-ready!
Read it9 Big Benefits You Should Be Reaping From Your Marketing Segments — Part Two
In Part One of our blog: 9 Big Benefits You Should Be Reaping From Your Marketing Segments, we covered five major competitive advantages that your marketing segments can provide for you — beyond setting you up for ABM success. In Part Two, we conclude our journey with the final four benefits a smart B2B segmentation strategy offers.
Read it9 Big Benefits You Should Be Reaping From Your Marketing Segments — Part One
Sit through any ABM presentation and eventually you’ll be told about the critical role your marketing segments play in a successful ABM program. Make no mistake, it is essential that you segment your customers with insight and precision, while in pursuit of a killer ABM program; however, proper market segmentation offers a host of lesser touted, but by no means less important, benefits. Below we have gathered nine of the benefits you should be reaping from your current market segmentation strategy.
Read itSureshot’s Customer Data Platform Primer
A CDP is a type of software that equips you with a clean and connected customer database — enterprise-wide. It accomplishes this by integrating seamlessly with all tools, apps and systems throughout your organization that house data, whether on or offline. As it pulls data from all of these sources, it cleans, completes and standardizes that data, and shares the improved data back to each source. This continual process ensures that everyone in the company has real-time access to a single customer profile comprised of clean and complete information.
Read itA Guide to Calculating Your Total Addressable Market
A recent Barron’s article declared the acronym TAM, which stands for Total Addressable Market, the new buzzword of the business realm. Editor, Jack Hough said, “Over the past decade, the compound annual growth rate of earnings calls with one or more mentions of TAM is 17%. That compares with a 14% annual return for the S&P 1500 over the same period. That’s right: TAM is beating the market.”
Read itLet’s Talk Turkey: 7 Savory Data Stats to Chew On
Ah, the holidays, a time to gather with the ones we love and have deep conversations about the things that really matter. Naturally, we’re referring to all the end of the year meetings with your team to discuss data-driven marketing results. In the spirit of Thanksgiving, we’ve gathered together a few of the latest stats on data that you can use as conversation-starters once everyone is seated at the table.
Read it5 Steps to Overcoming Data Complexity Issues
A recent study found that one third of marketers cite data complexity as the biggest challenge they face – bigger than creating an engaging customer journey or demonstrating the ROI of marketing’s efforts. Data and its rabbit-like ability to multiply has become the elephant inside a room that’s walls are closing in. The good news is you can stop the walls from closing in — even as your data continues to replicate. Below, we’ve created a proven path for eliminating problems produced by data complexity.
Read itLeveraging Martech to Increase Marketing’s Impact – An Abridged Ebook
Martech has come a long way in the last eight years. When author and martech expert, Scott Brinker first began chronicling its growth in 2011, there were 150 marketing technology options available. Today, there are over 7,040 martech tools for marketers to choose from that span six categories, including: advertising & promotion; content & experience; social & relationships; commerce & sales; data; and management.
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