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5 Steps to Fostering Marketing Technology Adoption
Choosing the right martech for your team out of 7,040+ options is only part of the battle in your quest for optimized marketing operations. In order to realize all of the amazing benefits your new tool(s) offer, you will need team buy-in. Otherwise, your investment will be lost and so will the goals you so desperately wanted your tech to help you fulfill.
Read it4 Benefits of Aligning Marketing Technology With Business Strategies
Marketing operations have become increasingly complex. Not only are there thousands of martech tools to choose from, but the expectations placed on modern marketing executives by their peers in the C-suite require the skill and mastery of an accomplished circus performer, and we’re talking Cirque Du Soliel, not Ringling Brothers.
Read it5 Issues Threatening Your ABM Success — Part Two
Successful ABM requires marketers to manage a variety of variables with the speed, flexibility and precision coordination of an Olympic gymnast. In addition to accurately leveraging high-quality data in order to identify and target ideal customers, ABM requires marketers to create a well-coordinated series of personalized campaigns across multiple channels.
Read it5 Issues Threatening Your ABM Success — Part One
Every B2B marketer knows account-based marketing (ABM) is a smart strategy for acquiring and keeping customers. By identifying and focusing efforts on the most qualified prospects, both marketing and sales save time and money in their efforts. Moreover, the results of those efforts are often richly rewarded.
Read it5 Ways to Amp Your Data-Driven Marketing Campaigns
Most marketing goals are tied to a company’s overall business objectives and include annual expectations such as increase sales, expand to new markets, and reduce churn. All of these goals are easy to measure, but that doesn’t mean they are easy to achieve.
Read it6 Steps to Add Account Based Marketing to Your 2019 Marketing Strategy
Researchers maintain the reason ABM is critical to everyone’s plan of attack is because it delivers big on three critical marketing KPIs: reputation, relationships and revenue. Obviously, ABM is a good thing, but exactly how and where do you begin? You take steps, and we’ve got six you can easily put into motion this year so that your company can reap the rewards of adding ABM to its marketing strategy.
Read it4 Ways to Own Competitors in the CX Games: Part Two
You need to connect with your customers to build a CX strategy that enhances your relationship with them. You need to connect your martech stack and data sources in order to create a seamless digital experience.
Read it4 Ways to Own Competitors in the CX Games: Part One
While it may not be an official athletic event, in the world of B2B, CX is fast-becoming the ultimate game-changer for those companies committed to staying competitive.
Read it7 Steps to Gleaning More Actionable Insights From Your Data
According to research, nearly half of all marketing leaders maintain that data analytics is one of the top three capabilities essential to the success of their organization.
Read it4 Data Management Mistakes to Avoid in 2019
No other single variable has more impact on the success of all decisions and marketing campaigns than the quality of your data. After all, you can’t deliver the right message to the right person at the right time if you have the wrong information.
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