“The Conversation” Blog

Data-Driven Marketing Trends in 2021

Data-Driven Marketing Trends in 2021: Some New, Some Remain The internet is nothing new, but more people than ever are accessing it and other digital channels. Prior to COVID-19, 28 percent of American adults reported they go online “almost constantly” and another 45 percent saying they go online several times a day. That number has…

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5 B2B Marketing Trends to Plan for In 2021 – Part Two

In Part One of 5 B2B Customer Trends to Plan for In 2021, we covered the rising demand for a better customer experience (CX) across all digital channels. While some of digital’s growing importance came about as a result of Covid 19 quarantining, much can also be attributed to the organic growth of mobile device…

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5 B2B Marketing Trends to Plan for In 2021

Making predictions after a year like 2020 may seem mildly crazy, but here at Sureshot we’re big believers in data’s ability to help us make better decisions – even in the midst of utter chaos. With that being said, we’ve taken a look at some of the latest stats released from the 2020 CMO Survey,…

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TAM SAM SOM: What Every Marketer Needs to Know

What Exactly Is TAM SAM SOM in Marketing? Marketers understand that before they can launch any campaign, they have to know who their audience is, the demand for their product or service, and their opportunity to meet that demand. In essence, that is TAM SAM SOM. But let’s break that down a bit. TAM  TAM…

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Data Science: Marketing Use Cases You Can Use Now

How Data Science Has Changed Marketing  As soon as consumers began engaging with digital media, marketing tactics and strategies changed. Or was it the other way around? What we do know for certain is that consumers are highly complex, generate a ton of valuable data, and want more personalized content. It is up to marketers…

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Eloqua Office Hours #3

This fast-paced, three-part webinar features tips and insights on how to dramatically enhance your Oracle Eloqua user experience through two proven apps: the Contact Washing Machine and Sureshot Command.

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